
Gibson Group Around The World


We continue to spread our wings around the world with projects being developed in China, America, Australia, Europe and in other parts of Asia.  It’s a busy few weeks with senior members of the company travelling around the globe. 

Dave Gibson and Victoria Spackman have just returned from 2 weeks in China talking to major broadcasters about co-productions, meeting some of China’s key filmmaking talent and firming up relationships with museums and others in the visitor attraction business.  “The company is looking at the global market place as the best place to grow the its customer base,” says Victoria.  “Our business is relationship based, so it’s important that we get out and spend time with people in their own cities.”

Allan Smith is back in Copenhagen this week also, meeting a delegation of visitors who want to build a TouchCity wall in their city.  He’s just returned from Sri Lanka, where plans are underway for a Gibson Group-lead visitor project. While in Copenhagen he will be launching two new Gibson Group exhibition projects.  The first is a high profile celebration of the 200th anniversary of the renowned Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard.  The exhibition features new custom interactive object displays that according to Copenhagen Museum director Jette Sandahl "create a new paradigm in public participation in museum collections".  The second new project is a commercial project for the influential Danish Confederation of Industry that uses large format 3D interactive kiosks to create a digital gateway into their new multi-million dollar building.

Neither Dave nor Victoria is home from China for long.  Victoria leaves again within the week to return to the Middle Kingdom with New Zealand Prime Minister John Key as part of a business delegation celebrating 40 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries.  The visit also commemorates 5 years of the China/New Zealand Free Trade Agreement signed in 2009. 

Then Dave is back to Hong Kong in late April as a speaker at the Delf (Digital Entertainment Leadership Forum) Symposium on 'Technology By Design - Global Applications for Digital Entertainment' and then onto the Beijing Film Festival where he's on a panel and looking for film co-production partners.
