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Who Ate All The Pies

Who Ate All The Piesmainpic


Outline: Frontman Jon Bridges hits the road to find the true home of the great Kiwi takeaway obsession, the pie. From Auckland to Invercargill, pie cart to patisserie, he gathers secrets from the master bakers and discovers why New Zealanders eat more pies than any other country (except Oz).


Every year, New Zealanders polish off 123 million tasty snacks.

Say it slowly - one-hundred-and-twenty-three-million-pies! That's quite a mouthful. Put another way, 10 pies were eaten in NZ while you read this.

Funnyman Jon Bridges gets amongst it, touring in his yellow mini to meet the true faces behind such astonishing statistics. He tussles with the metal detector at Ponsonby Pies, gets the lowdown on the demise of the Georgie Pie chain, and meets a lone travelling salesman who eats over 700 pies a year!

In Hastings, Jon meets the Tiger Woods of pies - baker James Buckrell, winner of a total of nine gold medals at the NZ Pie Awards.

In Matamata, Jon is converted by Hangi In A Pie visionary, Ron Smith MBE.

Only in Wellington would you find a pie consultant and a pie historian. Jon learns that although Kiwis eat more pies per capita than just about anyone on earth, pies were probably first invented in Greece.

Down to the Mainland he meets the ex-cop who founded Quentins, and travels to the home of the legendary Jimmy's Pies - the mighty town of Roxburgh - where he learns that the best pie ever seen in New Zealand contained, wait for it, green apple.

Jon is a well known stage comedian, breakfast DJ on Channel Z, and presenter of TV shows Ice TV, Risk and So You Think You're Funny.

Behind the scenes

Outline: Frontman Jon Bridges hits the road to find the true home of the great Kiwi takeaway obsession, the pie. From Auckland to Invercargill, pie cart to patisserie, he gathers secrets from the master bakers and discovers why New Zealanders eat more pies than any other country (except Oz).

Technical Specifications

TV Production

Production Year: 2002

Category: Documentary

Producer: Gary Scott

Director: Michael Huddleston

Duration: 45 mins