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Connection Engine

A dynamic 3d data visualisation interactive experience designed and built by Gibson Group in partnership with graphic artists Space and Time.

3D nodal mind map, kinetic sculpture interactivity, web browser CMS

Using an original interface design by Danish graphic artist partners Space and Time, Gibson Group developers created a stunning new 3D touch interactive kiosk for the Confederation of Danish Industry, a powerful organisation of Danish business interests.

The engine creates a 3D kinetic sculptural mind map to allow dynamic exploration of complex interconnected ideas by progressively unfolding pathways of images, videos, and text.

The Connection Engine structures the interface space by 3D nodes of conceptual relationships.  The new interface therefore excels in complex and abstract data visualisation, and at the same time can present simple information like an organisational chart, or a historical time-line.

Nodes can be surrounded by any number of image tiles to tease the visitor into further exploring – tap an image and an album opens with images, video and simple metadata which can be browsed by the flick of a finger.

The engine and its web-based Content Management system are designed for rapid and easy ingestion of images, videos and metadata by clients with no specialist training.  The layout and unfolding of the kinetic structure itself is mapped out using a custom editor supplied with the engine.

Gibson Group and Spild af Tid licence the core software of the Connection Engine and its CMS to clients around the world, customising the interface to their needs. For further info contact the Visitor Experiences team:


allan@gibson.co.nz  +64 274 542 102

brett@gibson.co.nz  +64 224 256 789